Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Hi Everyone!

Today was super duper exciting here!!!!!! Maggie and Mitch's Mom and Dad camed to SEE ME!!!!! Mom says that they really camed to meet MY cutest ever baby brothers, but I know that they came to SEE ME!!!!! We had such funnest!!!!! Mom says that I made a bit of a spectacle of MYSELF because I was overcome by excitement, but really who wouldn't be excited by a visit from Maggie and Mitch's specialist ever Mom and Dad?

Here I am talking to Maggie and Mitch's Mom ...

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Here I am on MY favoritest RED COUCH with Maggie and Mitch's Dad ...

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Here I am playing with a super specialist pressie that Maggie and Mitch sent for ME ... It is so neatest ever ... It is red and makes a sqeaky noise and it looks like a squirrl ...

Thank you so much Maggie and Mitch and thank you for sharing your Mom and Dad with ME for the afternoon! I had a greatest time and by the way so did MY Mom and MY cutest ever little brothers even if I did steal the show from them just a little bit ...:) A super NANNY has to get some attention ya know!!!!!!!

Til Next Time Everyone ...

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)


Lorenza said...

Hi, Putter
Super Nanny! We all know that Maggie and Mitch's mom and dad went to your house to see you... and being there they said hello to your little brothers!
You got a nice present! I like squeaky toys too!
Have a nice day

Ruby Bleu said...

Oh I'm sure you didn't totally steal the show and even if you did it was ok because you so deserve it with all the hard work you've been doing as Super Nanny!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Duke said...

Mom and dad had a BLAST at your house, Putter! You were the perfect hostess with the mostess and BTW, your cutest baby brothers are just beautiful! Maybe next time Mitch and I can come along too!

Love ya lots,

Stanley said...

Putter Girl!

You know that M&M's mama and dad came to see YOU, they just used your baby brothers as an excuse. You were looking so excited with Maggster's mama, and very cozy with her dad.

Being a super nanny, I'd think you need to replenish your love and snuggles quota fairly often.

Love the red squirrel.

Goober love,

Noah the Airedale said...

You sure are friendly Putter. What a great hostess!

Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy

Faya said...

It is so nice that they came to see you ! And with a pressie...
Kisses, Faya

Asta said...

Oh Putter
I'm so vewy glad that M&M's Mpm and Dad came to see you! I think they'we vewy special nice hoomans and I know they love you! They pwobably wanted to see youw bestbabybwuddewsinthewholewowld too, but I'm suwe you were the main point of the visit! I wish i lived lots closew so I could come visit too and we could have some play time fow supew Nanny
smoochie kisses

Boo Casanova said...

too bad maggie and mitch didn't go if not, i bet the whole house would be in mess! LOL

wet wet licks


Girl Girl Hamster said...

It's so pawsome for Maggie & Mitch parents to come visit you. You're a famous nanny Putter. :)

~ Girl girl

Amber-Mae said...

That is soooo cool! How come Maggie & Mitch did not come along? I bet you all would have had a fun time together...That toy is pawsome! I can see that you really like squeaking it alot, hehehe!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Anonymous said...

OMG!!!! That is so exciting they came to see you and how wonderful of a job you are doing watching your brothers! It is such a compliment they want to take tips from you!

Booty scratches and wet kisses,

Urban Smoothie Read said...

can u smell d scent of maggie n mitch on them?

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

You were so lucky to meet Maggie and Mitch's Mama and Papa!

They look like lovely hooooooomans.

I could not get your video to work, I will try again later!

love and licks to you and your family, and special Marvin Scottish Licks to your baby hooooooman bros!

Anonymous said...

Oh Putter, you are so lucky to have spent the day with Maggie and Mitch's parents. Soooo coool! How are the babies doing?

Persephone and Buster said...


You're a PERFECT older sister! You keepin' those little guys in line?

Nice squeaky-toy from Maggie & Mitch's mum and dad...hope you've got it appropriately dissected by now.

How're the babes doing?


Seffie & Buster

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Hey Super Nanny Girl!!!

Love that red looked great snuggled on it. A caretaker has to take time for herself...hopefully your mumsie gets some "me" time too...Perhaps a spa day for her from could start with a lovely foot wash for her, followed by a Dale you walking on her back. By the time that's over, she'll either be revitalized or ready for a long bath which will reivtalize her!!!


Lillie Valentine said...

You are the luckierest airedale ever! A visit from Maggie and Mitch's mom and dad. I hope you are taking good care of those babies. I bet they are really cute!