Sunday, October 14, 2007


Hi Everyone!

So as most of you know by now, I have two brand newest baby brothers and I am their SUPERNANNY! Well, as SUPERNANNY, I am, if you can even believe it, not supposed to touch MY brothers stuff ... I am only supposed to gently sniff and watch over them carefully ... When MY brothers are in the room, this is what I do ... When they are not in the room, I must admit, I find myself somewhat tempted to check things out a bit more closely ... After bath time tonight, this is how Mom found ME ... I just could not help MYSELF :)

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I have been watching MY baby brothers with their binkis and I wanted to have one of MY own ...:)

Til Next Time Everyone ...

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)


Duke said...

OMG Putter! You are too funny! Hey, you've got the perfect Halloween costume! All you need is the darling hat!

Love ya lots,

Sparky said...

LOL! That is a great picture!!! Now, I know that you are just cleaning that binki off - - after all, you don't want your charges to get sick, now...right?

Persephone and Buster said...


That binkie BELONGS in your mouth! Don't let anyone tell you different. It's so obviously contoured to the distinguished muzzle of an extraordinary girl-dale--we'll bet your mom trained the twins just to warm it up for you!

Now, we've got to admit that you airedales are too gentile. We kerries prefer small rodents.


Seffie & Bozo

Anonymous said...

Ha, Ha, Ha! Is that what I am supposed to do with those things? I see them at my buddies house and I just sniff them! You look so darling with it in...It looks like you know you aren't supposed to be doing that!

SO cute Putter!


Noah the Airedale said...

Share and share alike that's what we say Putter. You're baby brothers wont mind sharing with you. Is that what you call that thing in your mouth, a binki? We call them dummies. Come to think of it, binki is a little more flattering.

Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy

Lorenza said...

Hi, Putter.
Here we call those things "chupon"!
Sure that is an adorable picture of you!
I hope your mom was not mad with you!
Have a good night

Kirby said...

Hi Putter,

Love the binkie. I've seen them around my building, and wasn't sure what they were for, but now I know. They are a doggie toy. Thanks for filling me in! Hope you find some other great toys that the parents say are for your brothers. Have fun and don't work too hard!

Your pal,


Scruffy said...

LOL! Great picture. Glad you finally got your own binki.

The Mighty Scruff

Scrappy and Pebbles said...

You look very cute with that pacifier ... tell your mom you can actually buy ones for doggies!

Scrappy and Pebbles

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Aw Putter, you look really cute there. Does it have your brother's smell?

~ Girl girl

Amber-Mae said...

Ahahahahaha!!!! Soooo funny! This picture I must nominate! Too cute...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Faya said...

Hahahahahahaha....Putter thank you for this fabulous picture !
Kisses, faya

Ruby Bleu said...

You were just doing quality control, right. Needed to make sure the binki was up to your baby brothers standards!!! You are an excellent SUPERNANNY!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Suki & Joey said...

Oh, Putter, that is HILARIOUS!!!

I'm gonna check and see if it's not too late to nominate you for "photo of the month" over at DWB. It's just too funny! :)

Puggy kisses

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

whah hah! that picture of you trying out the babies' dummy is soooooooooo funny!

or do you call it a comforter? They are called Dummies here!

I am crying with laughter!

Lenny said...

Mmm, that binki looks good! Just don't start wearing those diapers. :) You're such a good supernanny!

Your friend, Lenny

Harry said...

Ma is laughing as she says Oscar had a penchant for finding dummies (that's what we call them over here).

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Hey Putter,

You have been nominated for Photo Of the month over at the DWB Bone Zone - please head on over and cast your vote :-)


Bogart H. Devil said...

HAHAHA that's a GREAT photo Miss Putter!!!!


Snowball said...

Did the pacifier pass your QC test? It looks really good. I think I should try it someday too.


Asta said...

Puttew..You look too adowable fow wowds..and I see you've been nominated fow pictoowe of the month!!!I suwe hope you win!!! I bet that binky will be even bettew now that it has puttew all ovew it!

I'm helping Mommi clean,it's Daddi's birfday and we want evewything to be supew nice fow him when he gets home
don't wowk too hawd
smoochie kisses

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Putter, that's such a great photo! You're going to get my vote! J x

Caz and Ludo the cool dude said...

HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH what a photo, what did your mum say when she saw you had that in your mouth,was there lots of tutts and sterlizing.

What do tou have on your collar that little grey box????


Caz and Ludo the cool dude said...

HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH what a photo, what did your mum say when she saw you had that in your mouth,was there lots of tutts and sterlizing.

What do tou have on your collar that little grey box????


Gus, Louie and Callie said...

That is just the greatest picture ever.. I think you should hold out for your own binkie!! Maybe your humans will get you one for Xmas..

Anonymous said...

all I can say is haaa rooooooo!!! nice job in taking their binki!

Asta said...

My Pawents and I looked at all the pictoowes of youw cutestevewbabybwudders! Wow They weally awe cute!! and youw Mom and Dad look so happy and pwoud,and I guess that's youw bootiful do you tell the little cuties apawt???
Putter,you look like the sweetest most attentive big sistew in the wowld..they suwe awe lucky to have you!
smoochie kisses

Huskee and Hershey said...

OMdoG Putter... I almost fell off my hair from laughing too hard!! Ummm.. hope you didn't get into too much trouble with your mom.. (how does it taste??)

Juno said...

Putter.. I know.. as a supernanny you're super busy but I just wanted to let you know that I miss your smile.

Momo xoxo

Anonymous said...

I hit you with a snowball!

Come play Putter!

Love, Herc

Peanut said...

Mom says that is the cutest picture.