Sunday, July 29, 2007


To My Friend Oscar ....

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We miss you terribly my dear friend. You will be forever in our hearts and minds. We will never ever forget you or the great joy that you brought to so many each and everyday.

Your Friend Forever,

Putter ...


Duke said...

What a wonderful tribute Putter! Oscar was the best - the very best! I'll never forget him! How we miss him!

Love ya lots,

Headgirl said...

Nicely put Putter!
It'll be so strange not to hear from him & seehis funny antics...


Lorenza said...

We will miss him so much. He was a great friend for all of us.
Take care

Bogart H. Devil said...

Very sweet Putter... we all miss Oscar so much!!!


Luckie Girl said...

We miss you Oscar. Watch over your parents from afar.

Girl Girl Hamster said...

I missed Oscar already. He's one of the sweetest friend I had

~ girl girl

Amber-Mae said...

That's a beautiful tribute! He will forever be in our hearts...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Thank you for your lovely tribute. We are hurting so so badly now and just cannot understand why our healthy bouncy puppy had to go so soon and so fast. Knowing how much he was loved and will be missed is some comfort.

Katy and Martin xxx

Faya said...

Hello Putter,
I just explain on my blog today why is Véronique so bad... You know I am Véronique's first dog and with the tragedy of Oscar she realised that I am also from flesh and blood and it can happend the same in 10 hours or 10 days or 10 years.. but it will happend. Maybe she was thinking I will be with her forever...No tears anymore but the heart is still broken. It is hard to blog again. But I think we will have to do it for Oscar, Katy and Martin...
Kisses, Faya

The Airechicks said...

Very sweet Putter...

We'll all carry Oscar in our hearts...

Koobuss said...

Hi Putter,

What a lovely tribute to our friend Oscar. We think of him and his family every day.

We are both sad and angry about what happened to Oscar. Life is just not fair.

Your friend,

Stanley said...


Very sweet tribute to our Oscar Boy! I sure miss my buddy.

Extra goober hugs for your mama!

Goober love,