MY boys and I were hanging around today having a snack on the deck and guess WHAT?????? They gave me a NEW NAME! MY BOYS CALL ME ANNIE! Why, I have no idea!!!!!!!! But I am a very smart and responsive girl so I respond to my new name ANNIE and my real name PUTTER -- no problem at all! Yet, I am left somewhat baffled by the whole new name thing ... It is a little strange, don't you think?

Hoping Every Doggie is wellest!
Til Next Time ...
Your Friend,
Putter ...:)
"The sun will come out tomorrow.........."
We think we'd let them change our names too if they fed us enough snacks!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi, Putter!
Hi, Annie!
Why they changed your name??
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Hi Putter, or Annie, or whatever your name is. Either is fine. It's good to see you again.
Your little brudders are very cute. Looks like you have them pretty well trained, too. Hehehe...
Love and Koobuss Kisses for Everybody,
What a beautiful picture Putter. You are realy the best sister in the world !
Kisses, Faya
Sweet Sweet Puttew-Annie
I'm so sowwy I've not been awound. Mommi is tewwible at keeping up wif evewyone. I just saw how well you'we doing wif youw twaining as a thewapy doggie..what lucky hoomans who will have you visiting them. Youw cutestbwuvvewsinthewholewowld awe getting sooo big and handsome I can't even believeit.
Whewe is the time going??
I love you and send you tons of smoochie kisses
Annie??? Putter??? Hmmm...those little hoomans get a bit confused, huh???? Well, at least ur not fussy!!!!!
Those bruvvers are totally the cutest things ever!!!
Love ya lots...
Hello Putter
The photo of you with your brothers is wonderful. You look as if you are the teacher and they are sitting as good as gold listening to you.
Molly, Taffy and Monty
Hi Putter!! We missed you.. this is a lovely picture!
Momo & Pinot
Awww, they've grown! Great picture Putter!
Love licks & Hugs,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hello Putter and your BOYZ!!!!!
Just saying HI, hope you are having the funniest time with your BOYZ, they must be keeping you very busy!!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Happy birthday, Putter! We hope you have the biggest and yummiest birthday cake in the whole wide world! Enjoy your special day!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Happy Birthday Putter!!!
Maggie and Mitch told us it was your birthday so we came over to tell you have a great day on your birthday!!!!!!
Have lots of fun today and have many more good birthdays!!!
XXOO, Bambi and her MOm Fern
Hi Putter,
Nice to meet you! Maggie and Mitch told me it was your birthday! I hope you have a fun day!
Happy Birthday to YOU!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
We think you should eat as many hotdogs as you want to, Putter! After all, it's your birthday!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Happy 3rd Birthday, Putter!
Please come hang out at my blog, Bocci's Beefs with all of your other friends!
The hot dogs and drinks that Maggie and Mitch prepared look yummy!
I came for cake. So where is it?
Oh, btw, Happy Birthday!
Hi Putter,
Thanks so much for coming to my blog and saying Hello. I have gone to many blogs that people ask us to go to to wish a happy birthday or to give good wishes b/c someone is sick or has died and no one has ever come to mine to say hi but YOU!!! It is such a nice surprise!
A very pleasant surprise!!! Thank you!!!!!!!
Do come again and lets be friends!!!!
Hugs, Fern
Hello Annie-Putter
Maggie and Mitch told us it was your birthday and we had to come by and woof 'Happy Barkday' to you! We think it is great you are going to be a therapy doggie - you are very sweet indeed!
Sally and Paddy
Happy Belated Birfday Putter!!!! What did your BOYZ give you??? Hope to see your lovely face soon and your BOYZ tooooo!!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
You are absolutely a very smart dog...To adapt immediately to your new name is a very smart way...You are smart and unique dog...^_^
dog pens
Kids are like that -- they can't be content with the names of anything as given. And anyway, they're still learning the human language. They'll get it right one day!
- - - - -
dog beds and more
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Happy birthday, Putter! We hope you have the most wonderful day ever!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Happy Biwfday Dawling Puttew!!!
I hope you and youw Boys and pawents awe having a gwand celebwation..Mommi wishes she could have a samich ow a cake fow you to gwab.we love you
smoochie kisses
Happy Barkday Putter.
Hope you had a grrrrrreat day.
Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie
Happy Thanksgiving, Putter! We hope Doctor Sue gives you a slice of the pumpkin pie!
Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly, who can now say that she's been on Putter's blog :-)
It's been ages since we've been on your blog, Putter. We miss you♥
Molly and mom
Putter, you are having a great time with the boys on the deck. Annie is now your new name. They are too cute. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful upcoming weekend.
World of Animals
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