Thursday, January 8, 2009


Hi Everydoggie!

I had the most wonderful surprise the other day! A new FISH toy from MY goodest and bestest friend Maggie and her brother Mitchy! I have been having such fun with MY new FISH, I can't even tell you! There were also DUCK treats in the package and I have to say that they are the best ever! I LOVE DUCK! Who knew? Note to self and to Mom! :)

Here I am speaking to MY NEW FISH -- who by the way does not replace FLASH! FLASH is alive and well on MY KITCHEN table!


TIl Next Time,

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)


Duke said...

The fishie is one of Mitch's very favorite toys, Putter! He picked it out just for you! Dad MADE the duck treats fresh from the duckies on our pond! hehehehe We're joking, of course!
Tell your mom that she's welcome to come and visit ANYTIME!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Eduardo said...

What are you telling your fishy? Are you telling him that you love him & your going to play with him forever(or at least until you destuff him & your Mommy takes him away)? That's what I would tell him, because thats one cool fish! Enjoy your treats!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

The Black and Tans. said...

Putter your new toy looks so much fun. What a lovely surprise for you from Maggie and Mitch.

Your duck treats sound very interesting.

Molly and Taffy

Lorenza said...

Hi, Putter!
A nice fish toy and yummy treats!
Enjoy them!
Kisses and hugs

Stanley said...

Hey, Putter Gurrrl!

I'm a big fish fan myself, so I can see why you are so enamored with YOUR new Mitchy Fish! Are you telling him secrets? Or, are you telling him about your lovepup, Hercy?

I hope you and your fishy have a big lovefest and that he is your fishy for a long time to come.

I've never had duck treats, but I bet I'd like them!

Goober love & smooches,

Noah the Airedale said...

Hiya Putter
A happy New Year to you and your family.
Wow, cool fish toy. Maggie & Mitch are such good friends.
Good to hear Flash is doing well.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Amber-Mae said...

Hope that fishy will last long. Hehehehe!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Princess Patches said...

What a cool fishy, Putter! May he live long and not be de-stuffed too soon!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Asta said...

It's so good to see you enjoying youwself..that is a bootiful new fish. Maggie and Mitch awe such wondewful fwiends.
I hope you and youw babybwuvvews and pawents awe having a wondewful stawt of the yeaw
love and smoochie kisses

Persephone and Buster said...

Fish and Duck! Hmmmm....sounds like the best of both worlds! Are there squeakers that need to be removed? Need help?


Buster & Persephone

Anonymous said...

Hi MY Putter Girl...

The only time I've seen any fish is when we go to Pets Mart...That isn't very often though. I like to sit and watch the birds more. They are so close and I can smell them, but I just can't get to them!

Are you telling your fish about me?


YOUR Hercy

Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

Happy Paw Year, Putter

Mum has finally stawted updating my blog!

I hope you’ll come visit,

xxx Asta (Oz)

Peeee S. That's a bootiful toy!

NESSA the hovawart said...

nice to meet you!
I have a lots of that stuff too. I must ask my mummy to take a picture of me with all those squeaky toys hehehe....
Kisses and hugs,

Sherry said...

Nice to meet you, Putter! We love Airedale blogs.

--Alanis Airedale & Sherry human

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Putter,
Great toy.. Maggie and Mitch always picks the best toys, don't they?!
Psst.. our mom is really jealous of your shiny, polished wooden floor.. she wants to know how your mom keeps it scratch-free. Our bedroom floor is a disaster since we got Hershey.. it is full of scratches.. and they are deep!

kev501 said...

CNBC will be premiering “American Originals: Westminster Dog Show” on Thursday at 9p ET/ 10p PT. Take a behind the scenes look at the inner workings of the prestigious show and the $43 billion pet industry that helps fuel its success. Join Trish Regan as she explores how man’s best friend can also be a very profitable business asset. For web extras visit

Check out this trailer at


Caz and Ludo the cool dude said...

what lovely friends you have to send you a fishy toy.
Hope you and it have great fun together.

ludo the cool dude.

Billy Swizzle said...

Hey Putter:

How do you feel about going 40 miles an hour on a Toboggan? Team Swizzle is looking for some new talent and you come highly recomended.

Your friend
Billy Swizzle

Snowball said...

Happy Valentine's Day.


doyle and mollie said...

you rock for making lulu smile - woof

Bogart H. Devil said...

My Pretty Putter, you have a very, very sweet mama. The nurses are incredibly happy about the flowers - they work their butts off, constantly, for 12 hours at a time in the ICU helping my dad and doing everything for him. We are all so inspired by the work they do, and by them as people as well.

Yes they were a little surprised to find out that they had been sent flowers by 3 Airedales - but then most of them have already met Bogart so they know how special the Dale spirit is.

BIG BIG BIG Aire Kisses to you,

Lulu & Bogart

Tee said...

Putter! Now that's one nice fishy you have there! You're such a lucky dog to have such nice friends!

Licks and Wags

Tuffy of Dog Woods

TwoSpecialWires said...

Putter! We found you! And now we want to tell you we're among the crowd that is crossing our paws and sending good thoughts and wishes that you get better - soon and completely.

Your new friends,
Jake and Fergi

Morgan in Pittsburgh said...

Putter - we hope you feel better soon - keep us posted!
your pal, Morgan

Unknown said...

your Mommy takes him away)? That's what I would tell him,Challenge coins