Sunday, January 20, 2008


Hi Everyone!

Today was funnest ever! I got to spend the afternoon cleaning MY basement with MY Mom! We are cleaning up and packing for our move to Boston which is coming up kinda soonest ever! The only thing I did not understand is WHY Mom put ME in a down STAY and did not allow ME to poke around with her as she organized and packed ... I could have been so much more helpfulest ever had MY paws been in the boxes too ... Sometimes I just don't understand! OMG!

Here I am supervising ...


After a while I had to find something to keep MYSELF occupied ...


Finally, I felled asleep ... Next time I really hope to get MY paws dirty too! It would have been much more FUNNEST EVER ...


Til Next Time Everyone ...

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)


Neko said...

I know the feeling, my Mom's made me watch them clean the house all day yesterday. I am adding you to my dog blog section, it's great to meet you. Love,Neko

Kirby said...

Hi Putter,

I didn't know that you were moving, I hope you are excited about this move. Packing can be the best or the worst. I'm sorry you weren't allowed to help sort and stuff. Don't know why our hoomans don't just let us assist. They don't realize how helpful we can be.

Your pal,

Peanut said...

Oh my your mom would have gotten done so much quicker with your help. How come she didn't let you help?

Lorenza said...

Hi, Putter
The same happend here this weekend! Too bad our moms don't appreciate our helping skills!
Have a good night

Noah the Airedale said...

Gosh moving to Boston, that sounds wonderful but we don't know where you live now?? Where do you live Putter??

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Dandy Duke said...

Your basement looks pretty orderly to us so we guess that your supervising skills must be pretty sharp!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Cassidy said...

It be exciting that you be movinh house Putter! Me hopes you get to help with more packing, but me prefers taking things OUT of boxes!

Cassidy x

Cassidy said...

It be exciting that you be movinh house Putter! Me hopes you get to help with more packing, but me prefers taking things OUT of boxes!

Cassidy x

Unknown said...

MY Putter Girl-

I am gladdest you had a wonderful time all day with your Mom. I took a nap with Mom today on the "forbidden" couch after she went swimming. She is more tired lately, which means more fetch with my glowball in the family room...When is the official move date? I am working on a picture for you for your new house to make it more homey for you...Let me know what address I should mail it to, okay?

I love you Putter Girl...


Amber-Mae said...

Glad you had a great time packing up the stuff. You're moving house? Wow, I can't wait to see what your new house looks like.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Snowball said...

supervising is sure a very tiring task isn't it? Your mum should have let you put your energy into better use like helping her to pack and sort things out.


The Black and Tans. said...

Putter we hope that you get to help more next time. Make sure your toys and bones are packed up securely for the move, don't want to be leaving them behind!
Molly and Taffy.

Bogart H. Devil said...

Putter I think you did a great job - supervising can be SUCH hard work...


Lenny said...

Hey Putter! It seems like everyone was cleaning this weekend. I supervised my people while they cleaned my dad's office.

You are really going to like Boston. I used to live near there and we all really miss it.

Your friend, Lenny

Asta said...

You awe the bestest giwl evew
can you teach me how to do a down stay.I'm tewwible and won't even do a sit stay fow mowe than a dwives Mommi cwazy
smoochie kisses

Ferndoggle said...

Putter, you even make work look fun! Hope you have a safe move to Boston. Don't become a Pats fan, though!

Sherman, Penny & Lola

Stanley said...


Your mama sure missed out on one great assistant. I bet you're great going through boxes and stuff.

You crack me up how you fell over asleep because your mama did not let you help. I have to deal with that sometimes myself!

Goober love & smooches to you and your mama,

Girl Girl Hamster said...

You sure are a big help cleaning up Putter. :)
It must be very tiring for you to doze off

~ GIrl girl

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh soooo much more fun unpackin' than packin'. Cassidy's right...and get to pull the tape off the boxes and make this really cool RIIIIIPPPPPPP noise...then u can eat the tape cept it gets stuck on ur paws...

I am an expert...Mumsie and Daddy moved into this house right before they got me. Mumsie HATES to move...but once she's there, it's fab. She just doens't like the change of everything...hang in there Putter, Sweet and give ur peeps some extra licks...
